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Facebook PHP SDK: Fixing getUser() on PHP 5.4.x

PHP 5.4.x makes a few changes to the php.ini file which causes the Facebook PHP SDK to break, and after a few hours of searching, I’ve come across a solution that worked for me. The problem was that after authenticating an user using $facebook->getLoginUrl(), the subsequent $facebook->getUser() call would fail, retuning 0.

The issue is with the PHP SDK, which relies on $_REQUEST from the server, which has changed in PHP 5.4.0 because of default php.ini settings having been changed.

The solution is to change the SDK’s getCode() method (found in base_facebook.php file to work around the issue:


See the gist on github.


See the gist on github.

The code simply combines the $_GET, $_POST and $_COOKIE arrays as with how $_REQUEST used to work prior to PHP 5.4.0. Hope this solution works for you as it did for me.

The change should then correctly return a valid User ID when calling $facebook->getUser(), instead of 0. This code also works in CodeIgniter, which is where I first tested the solution.

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