Facebook Graph API v2.3 is now available to use, adding new login permissions, a new debug mode for developers and updates to Real-time Updates. Along with it, more APIs are being depreciated towards the end of June 2015.
NodeJS: Scraping Websites Using Request and Cheerio
I’ve recently been using nodejs to build website scrapers quickly, and usually in less than 100 lines of code. This tutorial shows how you can easily create your own scraper using two nodejs modules: request and cheerio.
JavaScript, jQuery, NodeJS, ScrapingFacebook API: Using the Facebook PHP SDK v4.1.x
As version v4.1 of the Facebook PHP SDK nears release (at time of writing), I though this would be a good time to explain how the new version works. Migrating your application from v4.0.x to v4.1.x will break your application.
Facebook, Facebook Graph API, Facebook PHP SDK 4.1, PHP, TutorialParse.com: Uploading a File Using the Parse PHP SDK (v1.0.x)
Using the official Parse PHP SDK, it’s quite easy to upload a file to Parse. This tutorial covers how to use a simple HTML form and a few lines of PHP to upload a file.
File Upload, Parse, PHP, TutorialAndroid 5.0 Lollipop Status Bar Customizer
Customise the status bar of Android devices running Android 5.0 Lollipop using this plugin. You can customise the colour for all pages, with specific colours for Posts and Pages.
Android, Android 5.0 Lollipop, PHP, WordPress, WordPress Plugins